About My Blog

Welcome to my personal blog: Squinting Through The Viewfinder. It is my way of sharing my personal view of the world through my photographs, stories, ramblings and musings. You can find everything here or you can click on the categories below if you are looking for something specific.
My Photography

My love of photography began way back in the mists of my childhood when my grandad gave me my first Box Brownie camera. Unfortunately only a couple of photographs has survived the passing of time. From the Brownie I progressed to a Kodak Instamatic, eventually moving from black and white to colour. Although back then my photos were very hit and miss and my parents limited me to one roll of 36 exposures each holiday, I persevered. As an adult my photography fell into the family snapshot era as my family grew. Eventually, in 2003 I was given my first SLR; a second hand Canon EOS; and began to think more about my shots and how I wanted them to look.
Also around this time many photo developing companies began to include your photos in digital format on a CD, which meant I could upload them onto our PC where I could carry out some very basic editing. After watching me struggle with the very basic, generic photo editing program which came with our PC, my husband, a sign-maker by trade, introduced me to the wonders of Photoshop. Since then I have moved into the digital era and now have my trusty Nikon D3000, an iPhone, Photoshop and Lightroom. I have become a very enthusiastic amateur and there is nothing I enjoy more than taking a really good shot and producing a beautiful photo. Take a look at my Photoblog
A G&T In The Bath
It has always struck me that I get my best blogging ideas whilst I am relaxing in the bath with a G&T. Or a glass of wine. Or anything alcoholic really. It’s not so much the alcohol but relaxing into the warm, perfumed water and having a long soak that sets the cogs going. It usually starts with some little nugget popping into my head; a news item, something I’ve seen, something someone has said, something I’ve done that day; and my mind worries at it like a dog with a bone. I have had so many half thought out blogs whilst lying there, most coming to nothing since, like the steam from my bath, they dissipate into nothing the minute I’m wrapped in my fluffy towel. Have a read of the odd few which do make it from my A G&T In The Bath.

Holidays for us are never a simple affair and some of the best tales come from our many travels, with or without the family entourage. Most begin with some kind of hiatus and words being said. In fact, many of our children, and other relatives, think watching the two of us argue over some little trifle is a major part of any holiday. As are breakdowns; no holiday would be complete without the assistance of the RAC; poor directions, late arrivals and bad weather. But we always have a good time in the end. Read more in the Travelblog
The Domestic Goddess

I have avoided anything to do with the kitchen and preparing meals for the last 40 odd years. I was lucky enough to marry a bloke who was a good cook and enjoyed it. Don’t get me wrong, I could cook, just didn’t want to. Plus my job meant working long hours so it was more convenient. I also become easily engrossed in other things, such as my photography, and completely forget the time until I feel the pangs of hunger. Left to me the kids would probably have starved. Through self preservation and with encouragement from their dad they all learned to cook at an early age. An ability they are passing down to their children.
Then I retired. I had time to spare. Even with all my other hobbies and passions. So I entered his domain, the kitchen. I found I quite enjoyed cooking after all and have produced some very tasty meals. I can always tell when a recipe is a winner; second helpings are had and pans scraped clean. My biggest problem is quantity. I haven’t yet perfected scaling down for two, but no matter, extra portions get frozen and come in handy on those days we don’t want to cook. I have had my fair share of disasters, burnt offerings and recipes with just don’t work. I am so chuffed with my new found talent that I am sharing my favourite recipes and domestic blog posts as The Domestic Goddess. All recipes have links to the sites where I found the original recipes.
The Family Plot

We have had our allotment for over ten years now. Over those years we have had our share of ups and downs. From bumper crops to failed harvests. We have had years where health issues have slowed us down and years when the weather has stopped play. The two main allotmenteers in the family are Paul and Suzy who make up the father daughter team. I spend a lot of time dreaming and planning but as I only poke my nose in when I have the motivation and it’s not too cold I am usually told to wind my neck in. Whilst I try to keep plot posts up to date I am transferring a few posts from an older discontinued blog which I would still like to share. See what we grow on The Family Plot