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We Have A Floor

Finally, Paul has managed to start work the van conversion. A few days after buying the van, Covid 19 hit and we went into lockdown. For the majority of that time the weather was stupendous, and with all this new found time on their hands folks decided to give their gardens and houses a makeover. Which meant that the timber we needed became rather scarce. Paul eventually got hold of some laminate flooring but not a lot else. Before laying the floor he moved a couple of things around to make them more accessible once the van is fitted out. Once the floor was down I ambled across to have a nosy. I must say, even at that stage I felt that tingle of anticipation which always comes with the thought of holidays. As I stood admiring the new floor I was already on some quiet campsite, sitting at the side of our new campervan enjoying a glass of wine. Oooooh I can’t wait! 

Unfortunately, despite having a garage the size of a ballroom; we once had three cars in there; we can’t get the T4 in. Mainly because, for years, Paul has used it as his part time sign workshop, so it has a rack of vinyls, an ancient computer running Windows and an equally ancient plotter that barely works, some paints and brushes, all of which are stacked at the back. Then there is the paraphernalia left over from various car repairs, bits of wiring, a carburettor, a caked up air filter or two and a set of wheels from a car we no longer have. Not to mention all the general junk that has piled up over time – a trailer, old tents and awnings, camping gear, odds and ends of timber, the remains of old signs no longer needed, but we can’t get rid of any of it, it might come in useful one day. So when the weather changed and the rain came it out a stop to any further work.