The Ballad Of The Albert Road Litter Mountain
Back in April 2021 I wrote about a little problem we had with fly-tipping across the road from us. After a few weeks the situation was eventually sorted to the satisfaction of ourselves and our neighbours. After a couple of months I began to see a more amusing side to the whole affair and came up with this little ditty.
Ma and Pa woke up one day And looked out of their window in dismay, For overnight there had appeared A gruesome eyesore, A mountain of litter. A missive was sent On an internet form, To the council who ruled The town where they lived. They waited and waited For any response From the council, to say We’ll be there very soon To take it away. But after a week The mountain remained, Only now it had snow Where a beanbag had burst Spilling it’s innards all over the ground. Then the children appeared, From far and wide, To play in the snow And spread it around. Ma and Pa began to despair, Another form was sent, And a message from Ma To the council direct, To ask if anything at all Could be done. An answer came back, COVID was to blame They were short of staff, But the report Had been passed on, To the street scene team. Another tweet, another message The council had made their decision, We’re not responsible, It’s not our land, A fact we'd told them weeks ago. The mountain remained Since no-one knew Whose land it was, Or whose job To clear that mess From over the road. Weeks passed With the mountain growing, With more and more litter Added by persons unknown. A van turned up, A bloke jumped out, Inspected the mound, Got back in the van And drove away Several vans brought several blokes Who surveyed the scene Over the next few weeks, But nothing was done To remove the now soggy heap. Then one day, out of the blue A Street Scene truck Pulled up, over the road, Two men in overalls clutching their grabbers Got stuck in and dismantled the mess. Half a day it took them To move the bed, the mattress, And the limp remains of the deflated beanbag, Plus several bags of household rubbish. Now Ma and Pa can sit in bed And sip their morning coffee, Without having to stare At an ever expanding satellite landfill site. For the time being at least.
Since writing this verse the litter mountain has made several attempts to take over the space again. Luckily it has come up against the local litter pickers and I also have an inkling that the culprit has been spoken to.