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Hearty Chipolata, Bean And Lentil Soup

With so much to do at the moment and the nights drawing in I turn to my faithful Crockpot more frequently. I just love the way I can throw a ton of stuff in there, turn it on and walk away to do something more interesting. And I just love my Crockpot; a model recommended by a friend a few years ago; as it can be used on the hob, so if I need to soften onions or brown my meat I still only need the one pot. It also looks good as a serving tureen so I can take it to the table if I want to impress. 

Friday morning saw us; well, Paul really, I was still in bed; looking after our toddler great-grandson whilst his mum had an appointment. On her return she stayed for a coffee, which took care of the rest of the morning. Since I still had things I wanted to get done and Paul was off to B&Q for more stuff for our new bathroom I plumped for a slow cooker meal. Fortunately I had already decided to do something with sausages for our evening meal so sausage casserole it was. 

I like to add a variety of beans to my sausage casserole and since we tried an Amazon/Morrisons shop a couple of weeks ago where I bulk bought our store cupboard supplies we have dozens of tins. I also bought a pack of those little orange lentils I remember from my childhood to try. After a quick check on how to cook them I decided I would chuck some into my casserole along with the beans and hope for the best. 

As the hours passed the aroma of dinner cooking wafted through the house whetting my appetite as I worked. Five hours later I lifted the pot lid with eager anticipation. I peered into the bubbling pot, realising with dismay that I had forgotten to prepare the mashed potatoes I usually serve with a sausage casserole. It looked like we were going to have to wait a bit longer for our dinner. As I gave the soupy mix a stir I remembered Paul’s freshly baked wholemeal loaf sitting on the cooling rack. Light bulb moment – since the lentils had not thickened the mix as much as I thought they would, why not serve it as a hearty soup with a doorstop slice of rustic bread instead. We enjoyed it so much we both had second helpings. What started out as a pot luck, hope for the best recipe turned out to be a perfect winter warmer. I will certainly be repeating this one through the colder months.

  • 8 chipolata sausages (or your own personal favourite sausages)
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 1 x 400g can chopped tomatoes
  • 1 x 400g can mixed beans
  • ½ cup orange lentils
  • 1 tbs tomato pureé
  • 500mls stock (beef Oxo)
  • 2 tbs oil
  1. Heat the oil in a large skillet and sauté the onions until soft
  2. Push to one side and brown the chipolata sausages
  3. Place in slow cooker
  4. Add the chopped tomatoes, mixed beans, lentils and tomato pureé, mix until combined.
  5. Pour stock over the mixture.
  6. Cook on high for 4 hours
  7. Serve with crusty bread or mashed potatoes.