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A collection of my favourite photos

Cock O’ The North

Cock O’ The North in full steam, leaving Grosmont Station.

By The Pricking Of My Thumbs

By the pricking of my thumbs Something wicked this way comes – William Shakespeare


Half past one, The streetlamp sputtered, The streetlamp muttered, The Streetlamp said, “Regard that woman Who hesitates towards you” – T.S. Elliott

Summer Smiles

A moment of happiness in the middle of the pandemic as restrictions begin to ease.

Dad With Cuppa

Remembering dad on a summers day.

The Thinker

It takes a lot of thought to decide which crêpe to choose in a café in Bayeaux


Each summer I look forward to seeing a proliferation of foxgloves take over my garden


Although my home has been in South Yorkshire for many years, I do like to return to my birthplace every now and then. And when… Read More »Nottingham