Baby Tenzing
A few weeks ago we said goodbye to our beloved cat, Tenzing. Even now we can still feel his presence around the house. All the grandchildren miss him as does, I’m sure, his best bud in all the world, our ageing dog Alfie. It’s the little things; not seeing him staring at us through the back door or the kitchen window, tripping over him when he persists in sleeping behind the bathroom door or weaving between your feet as you walk down the stairs and most of all, not hearing his many vocalisations as he informs you it’s 4pm and time for his supper. When Joey asked me, the other day, if I had any photos of Tenzing as a kitten; he is making a collage of puppy and kitten photos of all the pets he has known; I sat myself down and went through my photo archives to see what I had and found this one, taken the day he first came to us back in September 2008.

Awwwwwwww, what a little cutie he was.
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