For the last few weeks I have not been feeling the steampunk vibes. Or any vibes at all if I’m honest. It has been so bad I have been wasting more time on silly bubble pop games on the iPad than getting on with anything useful. Mind you, the weather hasn’t been too helpful either what with the long bouts of rain, wind and downright dismal days we’ve been having lately. So last week I made myself go out to two events, fortunately both blessed by good weather.
I spent a hot and sunny Thursday afternoon sauntering around the WWII Vintage Market in Chesterfield; where I dropped on some rather nice wool suiting for a bargain price; before heading up to the church with it’s famous crooked spire. It was so hot in fact I had to go into Primark and buy a cheap t-shirt! There was a lovely atmosphere throughout the town with static displays, music and dancing. I ended my afternoon by calling in at the tea merchants and treating myself to a few packs of speciality teas before heading home.

The only upset of the day; which is, in hindsight, quite amusing; was getting stuck in the car park. It was one of those council run take a ticket and pay on exit ones so naturally I though I had to pay at the barrier. However, when I got there and put my ticket in there was no way to pay. So there I was sat trying to work out how to pay with a line of cars pulling up behind me. Rather stupidly; I thought; they have two entrances but only one exit so nothing could get past me. A very helpful taxi driver pointed me in the direction of the pay machines very neatly hidden in what I took to be a bus shelter. I jumped out of the car, paid my dues, the barrier was up and I was all set to go. Until the car wouldn’t start. I have a Smart car, a fantastic little beast but it has an immobiliser feature which doesn’t take into account having to turn off the ignition without locking the car or that it’s been left in gear. I was nearly in tears as the barrier came down before I could get it started. Back out of the car and to the pay machine to get some help. After having a good laugh at my expense the chap in the office raised the barrier and let me out.

Three days later I took Harry and Joey; The Steambetweeners; to our first steampunk event of the year, the Newark Steampunk Society’s annual punknic at Newstead Abbey, where we met Amanda and Lisa. After our picnic lunch; always feed the boys early on then they don’t whinge; the three of us ladies had a very enjoyable afternoon strolling about the grounds in the sunshine whilst the boys got up to goodness knows what in the shrubberies! I do know they were never too far away though because every so often we’d see a flash of white and hear footsteps running close by us. I did get a little concerned when they were nowhere to be seen at the end of the afternoon but as ever they were close by. We made it back to the front of the house just in time for ice creams all round. We had a quick play behind the waterfall before heading back to our cars. According to Netti the boys thoroughly enjoyed the day.
Good to see you out and about.
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